Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 0,00 | 0,00 | Leptin--2548 g/A polymorphism in endometrial cancer.
4,68 | 14,04 | Pharmacogenetic Contribution of Leptin Gene Polymorphism in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
1,07 | 4,29 | Polymorphims in Energy Homeostasis Genes are Associated with Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
4,63 | 18,52 | MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) C677T polymorphism and psoriasis.
6,34 | 31,72 | Matrix metalloproteinase-2 promoter variability in psoriasis
3,81 | 19,06 | Relation between adiponectin 45 T/G polymorphism and dietary composition in the Czech population
0,00 | 0,00 | Asociace inzerčně-delečního polymorfismu v genu pro angiotenzin-konvertující enzym (ID ACE) s gestačním diabetem
2,13 | 12,78 | Is there any link between severe pre-eclampsia and defined polymorphisms in leptin and adiponectin genes?
1,40 | 13,99 | Effect of ID ACE gene polymorphism on dietary composition and obesity-related anthropometric parameters in the Czech 4 adult population
12,91 | 77,48 | Genotypes-by-nutrient association of common polymorphisms in obesity-related genes with dietary composition and time structure of energy intake
0,00 | 0,00 | Three promoter polymorphisms of MMP-2 gene are associated with age in plaque psoriasis
0,56 | 2,81 | Nepřítomnost sekvenčních změn v HIF-responzivním elementu promotoru leptinového genu u českých žen s hypotrofií plodu
0,00 | 0,00 | Contribution to pharmacogenetic aspects in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas-Evidence for possible leptin variability involvement?
1,34 | 4,03 | Contribution to pharmacogenetic aspects in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas-Evidence for possible leptin variability involvement?
1,87 | 9,36 | Inzerčně deleční polymorfimus v genu pro angiotensin konvertující enzym ID ACE u těhotných žen s gestačním diabetem
0,00 | 0,00 | Proopiomelanocortin Gene: A New Susceptibility Gene for Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma
0,00 | 0,00 | Proopiomelanocortin gene variability and chronic heart failure: no association so far
7,95 | 23,84 | Obesity-related genes variability in Czech patients with sporadic colorectal cancer: preliminary results.
2,01 | 14,07 | No association of defined variability in leptin, leptin receptor, adiponectin, proopiomelanocortin and ghrelin gene with food preferences in the Czech population
2,11 | 8,42 | Cholecystektomie - rizikový faktor karcinomu endometria?
3,29 | 9,86 | Are common leptin promoter polymorphisms associated with restenosis after coronary stenting?
4,68 | 4,68 | Co je to nutrigenomika?
13,03 | 52,10 | Common polymorphism +45T/G in adiponectin gene as potential modulator of in-stent restenosis development
5,31 | 21,25 | Association between variants in the genes for leptin, leptin receptor, and proopiomelanocortin with chronic heart failure in the Czech population
0,30 | 1,19 | Polymorphims in Energy Homeostasis Genes are Associated with Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
23,00 | 69,00 | "SNPs in adipokines - adiponectin and leptin - as risk factors for diabetic complications: evidence for a ""double-hit"" mechanism?"
9,81 | 39,24 | Three Retionoid X Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in Plaque Psoriasis and Psoriasis Guttata
0,00 | 0,00 | Variabilita receptorů RXRA a RXRB u pacintů s psoriázou
5,43 | 21,73 | RXRs gene polymorphisms in psoriasis
1,34 | 6,69 | Asociace variant polymorfismů v genu pro endothelin-1 (EDN) s terapií u pacientů s kožními T-lymfomy
0,00 | 0,00 | Atrial Natriuretic Peptide: IS ANP associated with restenosis after Coronary Artery Disease?
0,00 | 0,00 | Association of leptin and adiponectin polymorphisms with endometrial cancer
0,00 | 0,00 | Are leptin gene promoter polymorphisms associated with restenosis after coronary stenting?
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011