Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 0,47 | 2,81 | Lezionální stereotaktické operace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie
11,59 | 81,13 | Neural correlates of affective picture processing - A depth ERP study.
3,00 | 12,00 | Možnosti epileptochirurgie u nemocných po mozkové hypotermii
6,18 | 30,91 | Secondary generalization in seizures of temporal lobe origin: Ictal EEG pattern.
5,15 | 25,76 | Secondary generalization in seizures of temporal lobe origin. Ictal EEG pattern in a SEEG study
1,55 | 10,86 | Vagus nerve stimulation: Longitudinal follow-up of patients treated for 5 years
6,39 | 51,12 | Cognitive- and Movement- Related Potentials Recorded in the Human basal ganglia.
42,43 | 169,70 | Functional coupling between anterior prefrontal cortex (BA10) and hand muscle contraction during intentional and imitative motor acts.
0,00 | 0,00 | Inaccuracy In Subject's Behavioral Response - Impact On Analysis Of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
1,83 | 10,95 | Intraoperační monitoring u resekčních výkonů pro epilepsii
6,04 | 24,17 | Intracerebral P3-like waveforms and the length of the stimulus-response interval in a visual oddball paradigm.
7,55 | 30,21 | Optimization of fMRI group analysis using spatial smoothing
3,14 | 12,56 | Lateralized ictal immobility of the upper limb in pstients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
5,08 | 20,31 | Intracerebral error-related negativity in a simple go/no-go task.
0,00 | 0,00 | Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens
1,12 | 5,62 | Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens.
5,71 | 34,27 | Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study.
0,00 | 0,00 | Rostral cingulate motor area and paroxysmal alien hand syndrome.
2,09 | 12,56 | Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study.
0,00 | 0,00 | Funkční magnetická rezonance - úvod do problematiky
2,34 | 14,02 | Dropped head syndrome in severe intractable epilepsies with mental retardation.
2,09 | 12,56 | Dropped head syndrome in severe intractable epilepsies with mental retardation.
0,00 | 0,00 | Early sensory ERPs in oddball paradigm (SEEG study)
0,00 | 0,00 | Electrophysiological response to target and frequent stimuli in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in a visual oddball paradigm
18,86 | 113,17 | Combined event related fMRI and intracerebral ERP study of an auditory oddball task.
13,84 | 55,38 | Epilepsy surgery in the Czech Republic.
5,04 | 30,21 | fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominancy - new metohds of laterality index calculation
0,93 | 9,35 | Combining advances neuroimaging techniques in presurgical workup of non-lesional intractable epilepsy.
6,04 | 30,21 | Event-related desynchronization and synchronization in a visual oddball task (a stereoelectroencephalic study)
0,94 | 5,62 | Changes of oscillatory activity in a visual oddball task (sEEG study)
1,12 | 5,62 | Correlation between stimulus-response intervals and peak amplitude latencies of visual P3 Waves
37,72 | 113,17 | Impact of differences between real and predicted time series on GLM fMRI analysis
7,11 | 28,43 | Long-term levetiracetam treatment of epilepsy patients: Clinical audit
2,67 | 16,03 | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the thalamus in patients with typical absence epilepsy.
5,08 | 20,31 | P3 and ERD/ERS in a visual oddball paradigm. A depth EEG study from the mesial temporal structures.
0,00 | 0,00 | Neurofyziologická diagnostika - včera, dnes a zítra.
0,47 | 2,81 | Stereotaktická neurostimulace v terapii farmakorezistentní epilepsie - historie a současnost
0,00 | 0,00 | Zonisamid.
14,15 | 70,73 | Impact of inaccurate knowledge of experimental stimulus time-course on GLM fMRI analysis
2,54 | 15,21 | fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominance using various methods of laterality index calculation.
37,72 | 113,17 | Information flow within prefrontal cortex during target stimulus processing: A direct transfer function (DTF) analysis of human depth EEG signal
22,63 | 113,17 | Effective connectivity in target stimulus processing: A dynamic causal modeling study of visual oddball task.
0,00 | 0,00 | Comparison Of Analytic Methods For Evaluation Of Functional And Effective Brain Connectivity From fMRI Data
3,10 | 21,68 | Effects of spatial smoothing on fMRI group inferences
0,47 | 2,81 | Dlouhodobá účinnost resekčních epileptochirurgických zákroků 5 let od operace.
6,47 | 32,34 | Cognitive network interactions and beta 2 coherence in processing non-target stimuli in visual oddball task
26,45 | 185,16 | Correlation Study of Optimized Voxel-Based Morphometry and H MRS in Patients With Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Hippocampal Sclerosis.
76,25 | 305,00 | Directional Functional Coupling of Cerebral Rhythms Between Anterior Cingulate and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Areas During Rare Stimuli: A Directed Transfer Function Analysis of Human Depth EEG Signal.
6,04 | 30,18 | Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task
0,00 | 0,00 | DNET jako příčina farmakorezistentní epilepsie
0,00 | 0,00 | Kombinace dvou epileptických syndromů (lezionální temporální epilepsie a juvenilní myoklonické epilepsie)
1,17 | 7,01 | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the thalamus in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis
8,07 | 40,34 | Modifications of cognitive and motor tasks affect the occurrence of event-related potentials in the human cortex.
0,00 | 0,00 | Nežádoucí účinky nových antileptik.
0,00 | 0,00 | Paměť a evokované potenciály.
0,86 | 5,17 | Substraction ictal SPECT corregistrated to MRI (SISCOM) in the diagnostics of intractable epilepsy.
1,12 | 5,62 | Synchrozation of ECoG activity during response to non-target stimuli in oddball task: An exploration in epileptic patients
35,73 | 107,18 | Rostral cingulate motor area and paroxysmal alien hand syndrome.
3,04 | 15,21 | An event-related fMRI study of self-paced alphabetically ordered writing of single letters
4,06 | 20,31 | An event-related fMRI study of self-paced writing of simple dots
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011