Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 0,00 | 0,00 | On the memory consumption of probabilistic pushdown automata
0,00 | 0,00 | Qualitative Reachability in Stochastic BPA Games
7,22 | 14,45 | Analysis and Prediction of the Long-Run Behavior of Probabilistic Sequential Programs with Recursion
4,82 | 14,45 | On the Decidability of Temporal Properties of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata
7,22 | 14,45 | Computing the Expected Accumulated Reward and Gain for a Subclass of Infinite Markov Chains
6,16 | 12,32 | Computing the Expected Accumulated Reward and Gain for a Subclass of Infinite Markov Chains
4,00 | 8,00 | Model Checking of RegCTL
7,55 | 30,19 | Reachability in Recursive Markov Decision Processes
3,61 | 14,45 | Reachability in Recursive Markov Decision Processes
15,45 | 61,80 | Reachability in Recursive Markov Decision Processes
3,61 | 14,45 | The Satisfiability Problem for Probabilistic CTL
0,00 | 0,00 | Branching-Time Model-Checking of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata
5,62 | 16,86 | Deciding probabilistic bisimilarity over infinite-state probabilistic systems
4,82 | 14,45 | Controller Synthesis and Verification for Markov Decision Processes with Qualitative Branching Time Objectives
3,61 | 14,45 | Discounted Properties of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata
0,00 | 0,00 | Continuous-Time Stochastic Games with Time-Bounded Reachability
15,09 | 30,19 | Strategy Synthesis for Markov Decision Processes and Branching-Time Logics
7,22 | 14,45 | Stochastic Game Logic
7,22 | 14,45 | Strategy Synthesis for Markov Decision Processes and Branching-Time Logics
3,61 | 14,45 | Stochastic Games with Branching-Time Winning Objectives
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011