Hejtmánek Lukáš ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
0,00 0,00 Distribuované datové sklady a protokol IBP
0,00 0,00 Distribuované Datové Sklady
7,22 7,22 Distributed Data Storage with Data Versioning
1,92 13,43 High-definition multimedia for multiparty low-latency interactive communication
0,00 0,00 Secure and Fault Tolerant Distributed Framework with Mobility Support
0,00 0,00 Bezpečný distribuovaný úložný prostor
0,00 0,00 Distributed Data Storage with Strong Offline Access Support
0,00 0,00 Nonblocking Distributed Replication of Versioned Files
0,00 0,00 Secure Logistical Networking in Virtual Organizations
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011