Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 1,56 | 3,12 | Nová bryologická literatura XXI
0,00 | 0,00 | Bryophytes on cliffs and talus slopes of south-western Moravia (Czech Republic)
0,94 | 2,81 | Mechorosty rybníků a sádek v Českobudějovické pánvi
11,84 | 23,68 | Diversity of bryophytes on treeless cliffs and talus slopes in a forested central European landscape
0,00 | 0,00 | Příspěvek k bryoflóře Tematínskych vrchů
2,79 | 33,43 | Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia
9,06 | 117,81 | Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis.
0,00 | 0,00 | Bryophytes in public caves in the Czech Republic
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011