Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 14,45 | 14,45 | "On language inequalities XK &sube |
14,45 | 14,45 | The power of commuting with finite sets of words
0,00 | 0,00 | Simple language equations
17,72 | 17,72 | Regular solutions of language inequalities and well quasi-orders
14,45 | 14,45 | Communication of two stacks and rewriting
17,72 | 17,72 | Computing by commuting
31,05 | 31,05 | The power of commuting with finite sets of words
14,45 | 14,45 | The simplest language where equivalence of finite substitutions is undecidable
14,45 | 14,45 | Algebraic characterization of the finite power property
14,45 | 14,45 | What do we know about language equations?
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011