Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 12,60 | 25,20 | Voltammetry of Os(VI)-Modified Polysaccharides at Carbon Electrodes
0,00 | 0,00 | Electrochemical and capillary zone electrophoresis study of pyrimidine residues modification by osmium tetroxide, 2,2´-bipyridine. Detection of unpaired and mispaired thymines in DNA heteroduplexes.
0,00 | 0,00 | Linearna voltametria a eliminačná voltametria s lineárnou polarizáciou natívneho a denaturovaného hovädzieho sérového albuminu
21,79 | 130,71 | Osmium Tetroxide, 2,2´-Bipyridine: Electroactive Marker for Probing Accessibility of Tryptophan Residues in Proteins
0,00 | 0,00 | Elektrochemická analýza nativního a denaturovaného hovězího sérového albuminu
11,45 | 34,34 | Constant current chronopotentiometry and voltammetry of native and denatured serum albumin at mercury and carbon electrodes
11,37 | 45,48 | Label-free voltammetric detection of single nucleotide mismatches recognized by MutS protein
0,00 | 0,00 | Application of elimination voltammetry for microanalysis of oligonucleotides and nucleic acids bases
9,14 | 18,28 | Voltammetry of Osmium End-Labeled Oligodeoxynucleotides at Carbon, Mercury, and Gold Electrodes
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011