Body na spoluautora | Body za publikaci pro MU | Odkaz ISVaV | 12,95 | 25,89 | Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Festuca pannonica, F. valesiaca and F. pseudodalmatica (Poaceae)
12,95 | 25,89 | Proposal to reject the name Festuca pannonica (Poaceae)
0,00 | 0,00 | Genome size in Cyperaceae
19,17 | 76,69 | Intrapopulation genome size dynamics in Festuca pallens
25,56 | 76,69 | Genome size and GC content evolution of Festuca: Ancestral expansion and subsequent reduction
0,00 | 0,00 | GC content, genome size and chromosome size evolution in grasses and other monocots
4,68 | 4,68 | Flóra Přírodní rezervace Suché skály
4,68 | 9,36 | Ploidy level variability of some Central European fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae)
0,00 | 0,00 | Geographical pattern in genome size of Festuca pallens: phylogeographical interpretation of distribution range of polyploid complex
4,68 | 9,36 | Festuca alpina, a new species to the flora of Slovakia
0,00 | 0,00 | Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia
22,83 | 22,83 | DNA ploidy levels and intraspecific DNA content variability in Romanian fescues (Festuca, Poaceae) measured in fresh and herbarium material
32,73 | 65,47 | Intraspecific DNA content variability in Festuca pallens on different geographical scales and ploidy levels
42,94 | 42,94 | Ploidy Level Variability in South American Fescues (Festuca L., Poaceae): Use of Flow Cytometry in Up to 5 1/2-year-Old Caryopses and Herbarium Specimens.
0,00 | 0,00 | Quantification of retrotransposon in Festuca pallens population varying in genome size
0,00 | 0,00 | Correlation between GC content ond genome size in plants
0,00 | 0,00 | GC content and average chromosome size evolution in grasses
0,00 | 0,00 | Geologické, botanické a zoologické zajímavosti Moravskobudějovicka a Jemnicka
0,00 | 0,00 | GC Content in Plant Genomes
0,00 | 0,00 | Genome size variation in species with holokinetic chromosomes (Cyperaceae)
2,79 | 33,43 | Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia
12,29 | 12,29 | DNA ploidy level variability of some fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae) from Central and Southern Europe measured in fresh plants and herbarium specimens
0,00 | 0,00 | Is GC-content Correlated with Genome Size in Plants
9,06 | 117,81 | Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis.
21,82 | 65,47 | Random Distribution Pattern and Non-adaptivity of Genome Size in a Highly Variable Population of Festuca pallens
0,32 | 0,65 | Revision of caryological data to the genus Festuca
5,72 | 22,86 | Revision of Central European taxa of Festuca ser. Psammophilae Pawlus: morphometrical, karyological and AFLP analysis
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011