Sex is 1 for male and 2 for female. Drinking use is coded from 1 to 5, with 1 if less than 1/4 of drinking water from well and 5 if all drinking water from well. The same code is used for cooking water. Arsenic levels are in parts per million. Age Sex Drinkuse Cookuse Arswater Arsnails 44 2 5 5 .00087 .119 45 2 4 5 .00021 .118 44 1 5 5 0 .099 66 2 3 5 .00115 .118 37 1 2 5 0 .277 45 2 5 5 0 .358 47 1 5 5 .00013 .08 38 2 4 5 .00069 .158 41 2 3 2 .00039 .31 49 2 4 5 0 .105 72 2 5 5 0 .073 45 2 1 5 .046 .832 53 1 5 5 .0194 .517 86 2 5 5 .137 2.252 8 2 5 5 .0214 .851 32 2 5 5 .0175 .269 44 1 5 5 .0764 .433 63 2 5 5 0 .141 42 1 5 5 .0165 .275 62 1 5 5 .00012 .135 36 1 5 5 .0041 .175 The arsenic data are measurements of arsenic levels of drinking water and toenails for individuals in New Hampshire with private wells. Consider prediction of arsenic level in nails from the available predicting variables. You may transform the data in any fashion that you desire. You should consider the strengths of association and which variables appear related to arsenic level in nails. You should develop a formula for prediction of arsenic level in nails, and you should develop approximate individual 95 percent con_dence intervals for parameters in your prediction equation.