Chicken feed mixture [1] Design points [2] Maize, X1 [3] Fishmeal, X2 [4] Soy been, X3 [5] Mean final weight, Y G.S.Wewala (1980) analyzed a mixture experiment in which chickens were fed a mixture of maize, fisheal and soy bean and their weight noted when 1 000 days old. At ech of ten design points, 32 chickens were reared giving the results. As proportions add to one, only terms in the first two ingredients were included in the model which was a full quadratic in these two ingredients, namely y = b1.X1 + b2.X2 + b3.X1^2 + b4.X1.X2 + b5.X2^2 + e. Estimate ridge traces of the coefficient estimates and the variance inflation factors for some ridge coefficients "k".