############################################################################### Model <- function( # all available actions with a model A, # projection matrix n0=NULL, # initial vector tmax=20 # length of projection ){ MP <- MatProp(A) print(MP) Pr <- Projection(A,n0=n0,tmax=tmax) x11() plotPCensus(Pr) x11() plotPStructure(Pr) x11() plotEigen(MP) x11() plotSensitivity(A,MP$S,MP$E) } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Square <- function(A){ # Test whether matrix A is a square one s <- sqrt(floor(length(A))) {if (!(length(A) == s^2)){ print("Warning! The matrix is not a square one.",quote=FALSE) R <- FALSE} else{R <- TRUE}} R} ############################################################################### MatProp <- function(A){ # Check properties of matrix A. if (Square(A)){ s <- sqrt(floor(length(A))) {if (s > 1){ Ap <- 1*(A>0) for (i in 1:s){Ap[i,i] <- 1} App <- Ap if (s > 2){for (i in 1:(s-2)){App <- 1*((App %*% Ap)>0)}} reducible <- (sum(App) < s*s) {if (!reducible){ Ap <- 1*(A>0) App <- Ap for (i in 1:((s-1)^2)){App <- 1*((App %*% Ap)>0)} primitive <- !(sum(App) < s*s) } else{primitive <- FALSE} } } else{primitive <- (sum(A) > 0) reducible <- !primitive} } EV <- eigen(t(A),symmetric=FALSE) EVval <- EV$values EVvec <- EV$vectors j <- 1 if (!(primitive)){ repeat{if ((Im(EVval[j]) > pi/s) | (Re(EVval[j]) < 0)){j <- j+1} else{break}} } v <- abs(Re(EVvec[,j])) norm <- sum(v) v <- v/norm # right eigenvector (reproductive value) EV <- eigen(A,symmetric=FALSE) EVval <- EV$values EVvec <- EV$vectors j <- 1 if (!(primitive)){ repeat{if ((Im(EVval[j]) > pi/s) | (Re(EVval[j]) < 0)){j <- j+1} else{break}} } lambda <- abs(EVval[j]) # dominant eigenvalue w <- abs(Re(EVvec[,j])) norm <- sum(w) w <- w/norm # left eigenvector (stable structure) d <- 1 repeat{ if (d == s) {break} else{if (abs(1-abs(EVval[d+1])/lambda) < 1e-15){d <- d+1} else{break}} } # period of matrix rho <- Inf # damping ratio if (d < s){rho <- lambda/abs(EVval[d+1])} S <- (v %*% t(w))/sum(w * v) # sensitivity matrix E <- S*A/lambda # elasticity matrix MatProp <- list(EVval = EVval, # eigenvalues EVvec = EVvec, # eigenvectors S = S, # sensitivity matrix (lambda1 on A) E = E, # elasticity matrix reducible = reducible, primitive = primitive, d = d, # period w = w, # stable structure v =v, # reproductive value rho=rho, # damping ratio lambda1 = lambda # dominant eigenvalue ) } } ############################################################################### Projection <- function( # calculate projection A, # projection matrix n0 = NULL, # initial value tmax = 10 # length of projection ){ if (Square(A)){ s <- sqrt(floor(length(A))) if (length(n0) == 0){n0 <- array(0,s); n0[1] <- 1} nt <- array(NA,c(s,tmax+1)) nt[,1] <- n0 for (i in 1:tmax){nt[,i+1] <- A %*% nt[,i]} Projection <- nt } } ############################################################################### plotPCensus <- function(# plot projected census nt, # projected census (output of Projection) xlb="Time", # label of x-axis ylb="Size", # label of y-axis mpt="Census with population structure", # main plot title dens=20, # density of shading lines logsc=FALSE # logarithmic scale on y-axis ){ s <- length(nt[,1]) tmax <- length(nt[1,])-1 cols <- rainbow(s) if (logsc){lgsc <- "y" ymin <- 0.9*min(nt[which(nt>0)]) write("Warning (plotPCensus): cannot shade the polygons","")} else{lgsc <- "" ymin <- 0} st <- array(0.5*ymin,c(s+1,tmax+1)) for (i in 1:s){st[i+1,] <- st[i,]+nt[i,]} pt <- array(0.5*ymin,2*tmax+2) tp <- array(0,2*tmax+2) for (j in 1:(tmax+1)){tp[j] <- j-1 tp[tmax+1+j] <- tmax+1-j} plot(c(0,tmax),c(ymin,max(st)),type="n",xlab=xlb,ylab=ylb,bty="l",main=mpt, log=lgsc) if (dens < 0 | !logsc){ for (i in 1:s){ for (j in 1:(tmax+1)){pt[j] <- st[i,j] pt[2*tmax+3-j] <- st[i+1,j]} polygon(tp,pt,density=dens,angle=45+(i-1)*180/s,col=cols[i],lty=3)} for (i in 1:s){points(seq(0,tmax),st[i+1,],type="l")}} else{for (i in 1:s){points(seq(0,tmax),st[i+1,],type="l",col=cols[i])}} } ############################################################################### plotPStructure <- function(# plot projected age or stage structure nt, # projected census (output of Projection) xlb="Time", # label of x-axis ylbS="Size", # label of 1st y-axis (size) ylbF="Frequency", # label of 2nd y-axis (frequaency) mpt="Population structure" # main plot title ){ s <- length(nt[,1]) tmax <- length(nt[1,])-1 cols <- rainbow(s) census <- array(NA,tmax+1) for (i in 1:(tmax+1)){census[i] <- sum(nt[,i])} lgnd <- array(NA,s) for (j in 1:s){lgnd[j] <- paste("class",j)} split.screen(c(2,1)) screen(1) plot(c(0,1.02*tmax),c(0,max(nt)),type="n",xlab=xlb,ylab=ylbS, bty="l",main=mpt) for (i in 1:s){points(seq(0,tmax),nt[i,],type="l",col=cols[i]) text(1.02*tmax,nt[i,tmax+1],i,col=cols[i]) } screen(2) ft <- array(NA,c(s,tmax+1)) for (i in 1:s){ft[i,] <- nt[i,]/census} ymax <- 1.15*max(ft)#ymax <- 1.35*max(ft) plot(c(0,1.02*tmax),c(0,ymax),type="n",xlab=xlb,ylab=ylbF,bty="l") for (i in 1:s){points(seq(0,tmax),nt[i,]/census,type="l",col=cols[i]) text(1.02*tmax,nt[i,tmax+1]/census[tmax+1],i,col=cols[i]) } # legend(0,ymax,lgnd,col=cols,lty=1,horiz=TRUE) close.screen(all=TRUE) } ############################################################################### plotEigen <- function( # plot eigenvalues and dominant eigenvectors MP # list of matrix properties (output of function MatProp) ){ s <- length(MP$w) cols <- rainbow(s) split.screen(c(2,1)) screen(1) xl <- max(1,MP$lambda1) plot(51*c(-xl,xl)/17,c(-xl,xl),type="n",main="Eigenvalues", xlab="Real part",ylab="Imaginary part",bty="n") xp <- seq(-1,1,0.002) points(xp, sqrt(1-xp^2),type="l",lty=3,lwd=0.5,col="red") points(xp,-sqrt(1-xp^2),type="l",lty=3,lwd=0.5,col="red") xp <- seq(-MP$lambda1,MP$lambda1,2*MP$lambda1/1000) points(xp, sqrt(MP$lambda1^2-xp^2),type="l",lty=3,lwd=0.5) points(xp,-sqrt(MP$lambda1^2-xp^2),type="l",lty=3,lwd=0.5) points(0,0,pch="|",col="blue") points(Re(MP$EVval),Im(MP$EVval),pch=19,col="blue") for(i in 1:length(MP$EVval)){ points(c(0,Re(MP$EVval[i])),c(0,Im(MP$EVval[i])),type="l",col="blue")} split.screen(c(1,2),screen=2) screen(3) plot(c(0,s),c(0,max(MP$w)),type="n",bty="n",xaxt="n", main="Right eigenvector\n(stable stage distribution)",xlab="",ylab="") for (i in 1:s){ polygon(c(i-1,i-1,i,i),c(0,MP$w[i],MP$w[i],0),density=20, angle=45+(i-1)*180/s,col=cols[i],lty=3) points(c(i-1,i-1),c(0,MP$w[i]),type="l") points(c(i-1,i),c(MP$w[i],MP$w[i]),type="l") points(c(i,i),c(MP$w[i],0),type="l") text(i-0.5,0,i) } screen(4) plot(c(0,s),c(0,max(MP$v)),type="n",bty="n",xaxt="n", main="Left eigenvector\n(reproductive values)",xlab="",ylab="") for (i in 1:s){ polygon(c(i-1,i-1,i,i),c(0,MP$v[i],MP$v[i],0),density=20, angle=45+(i-1)*180/s,col=cols[i],lty=3) points(c(i-1,i-1),c(0,MP$v[i]),type="l") points(c(i-1,i),c(MP$v[i],MP$v[i]),type="l") points(c(i,i),c(MP$v[i],0),type="l") text(i-0.5,0,i) } close.screen(all=TRUE) } ############################################################################### plotSensitivity <- function(# plot image of sensitivity and elasticity matrices A, # projection matrix S=NULL, # matrix of sensitivities E=Null # matrix of elasticities ){ if (length(S) == 0){MP <- MatProp(A) S <- MP$S E <- MP$E} s <- floor(sqrt(length(A))) k <- 1+floor((s-1)/10) plotImageAndGauge <- function(Mat,cols,Ttl){ NoCol <- length(cols) plot(c(0,51*(s+k)/17),c(-k,s),type="n",bty="n", xlab="",ylab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main=paste(Ttl,"of the growth rate to the projection matrix entries")) mx <- max(Mat) L <- floor(log10(mx)) {if (L > 2){f <- 0; r <- L+1} else{f <- 2-L {if (L < 0){r <- f+2} else{r <- 5} } } } form <- paste("%",r,".",f,"f",sep="") text((2.55+0.06*r)*s,0,sprintf(form,0),adj=c(1,0.5)) for (i in 1:NoCol){ polygon(c(2.1*s,2.5*s,2.5*s,2.1*s), c((i-1)*s/NoCol,(i-1)*s/NoCol,i*s/NoCol,i*s/NoCol), col=cols[i]) text((2.55+0.06*r)*s,i*s/NoCol,sprintf(form,i*mx/NoCol),adj=c(1,0.5)) } nk <- floor(s/k) for (i in 1:nk){ text(1-s*0.05,s-i*k+0.5,i*k,adj=c(1,0.5)) text(i*k+0.5,-s*0.05,i*k,adj=c(0.5,1)) } for (i in 1:s){ for (j in 1:s){ colNo <- 1+floor((NoCol-1)*Mat[i,j]*1.01/mx) {if (A[i,j] == 0){den <- 20} else{den <- NULL}} polygon(c(j,j+1,j+1,j),c(s-i,s-i,s+1-i,s+1-i), col=cols[colNo],density=den,border="black") } } } split.screen(c(2,1)) screen(1) plotImageAndGauge(S,topo.colors(6),"Sensitivity") screen(2) plotImageAndGauge(E,heat.colors(5)[seq(5,1,-1)],"Elasticity") close.screen(all=TRUE) } ############################################################################### # some examples - functions return a projection matrix KillerWhale <- function(){ A <- array(NA,c(4,4)) A[1,] <- c(0, 0.0043, 0.1132, 0 ) A[2,] <- c(0.9775, 0.9111, 0, 0 ) A[3,] <- c(0, 0.0736, 0.9534, 0 ) A[4,] <- c(0, 0, 0.0452, 0.9804) A} USApopulation <- function(){ A <- array(0,c(10,10)) A[1,]<-c(0, .00102,.08515,.30574,.40002,.28061,.15260,.06420,.01483,.00089) A[2,1] <-.99670 A[3,2] <- .99837 A[4,3] <- .99780 A[5,4] <- .99672 A[6,5] <- .99607 A[7,6] <- .99472 A[8,7] <- .99240 A[9,8] <- .98867 A[10,9]<- .98274 A} Teasel <- function(){ A <- array(NA,c(6,6)) A[1,] <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 322.38 ) A[2,] <- c(0.966, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) A[3,] <- c(0.013, 0.010, 0.125, 0, 0, 3.448) A[4,] <- c(0.007, 0, 0.125, 0.238, 0, 30.170) A[5,] <- c(0.008, 0, 0.038, 0.245, 0.167, 0.862) A[6,] <- c(0, 0, 0, 0.023, 0.750, 0 ) A} TwoStage <- function(sigma1,sigma2,gamma,phi){ A <- array(NA,c(2,2)) A[1,] <- c(sigma1*(1-gamma), phi) A[2,] <- c( sigma1*gamma, sigma2) A}