Pavel ©i¹ma: Graph theory 1736-1963


The graph theory is of relatively recent origin. Some hints of the graph theory can be found already in the 18th and 19th centuries, but the first book devoted solely to the graph theory emerged as late as 1936. The subject of the book were finite and infinite graphs and its author was Hungarian mathematician D. König. An enourmously fast development of this discipline started only after the Second World War. The contribution of Czech and Slovak mathematician was very important. The aim of this work is to map the development of the graph theory in the period from 1736 to 1963. The choice of dates is not arbitrary, for both years were important milestones in the graph theory. In 1736 the first article on a topic relating to graph theory was written by the Swiss mathematician L. Euler. In this article Euler solved the wellknown problem of the Königsberg bridges. In 1963, the first international conference on the graph theory was held in Smolenice-for the first time in Czechoslovakia.
    Let us now introduce a short summary of this work. In the introduction, we define basic terms needed for understanding the core of the work. Our work consists of five chapters, which deal with the historical development of the basic problems of the graph theory. Our sources were primarily books N. L. Biggs, K. E. Lloyd and R. J. Wilson: Graph theory 1736-1936. Oxford 1976 and D. König: Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen. Leipzig 1936. The core lies in the analysis of a number of original works, mainly from the years 1936-1970. The first chapter maps the historical development of the concepts Eulerian graph and Hamiltonian graph. It introduces the reader to the problem of Königsberg bridges and the knight's tour in chess which belong to the oldest problems of the graph theory. In the part devoted to Hamiltonian connected graphs we look more closely at the work of Brno mathematician M. Sekanina. The main subject of the second chapter is the spanning tree. The first part maps the historical development of the concepts of tree, spanning tree, and the fundamental set of circuits. Major attention is then devoted to the problem of finding the minimum spanning tree. The first mathematicians who tried to solve this problem were Czech mathematicians O. Borùvka and V. Jarník. They were both successful: each of them found his own algorithm in the 1920s. The third chapter deals with the coloration of graphs. The development of the four-colour problem is described here in a detailed way. We cover the period from the origins of the problem in 1852 until 1976, when this problem was solved. The four-colour problem had a great influence on many other parts of the graph theory. Other subject dealt with in this chapter are planar graphs. Factorization of graphs is the subject of the fourth chapter. In the chapter, we follow especially the questions of factorization of regular graphs in the works of. J. Petersen and D. König. We also look in greater detail at the work of the Slovak mathematician A. Kotzig and the research he carried out in the 1950s and 1960s. The fifth chapter is a brief overview of the oriented graphs. As well as the other parts of the graph theory, the Czech and Slovak mathematicians contributed largely to the development of the oriented graphs theory.
    One of the major contributions of the work is also a large bibliography. There are two appendices: the first is an anotated list of roughly 300 early works of the graph theory dated 1736-1936, the second is a similar list of roughly 70 works of Czech and Slovak authors from the years 1926-1962.