Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Skula, DrSc.

Datum narození: 30. června 1937
Místo narození: Prostějov
Vědecké a pedagogické hodnosti:
RNDr., Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno, 1967, obor Algebra a teorie čísel
CSc., Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno, 1967, obor Algebra a teorie čísel
docent : habilitace- Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno, 1970
              jmenování - 1986, obor Algebra a teorie čísel
DrSc., Karlova Univerzita, Praha, 1991, obor Algebra a teorie čísel
profesor, Masarykova univerzita , Brno, 1991, obor Algebra a teorie čísel

Průběh  praxe :
1955-60 - studium odborné matematiky, Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno
1960-65 - asistent , katedra matematiky, stroj. fakulta, VUT Brno
1965-82 - odborný asistent, katedra algebry a geometrie, PřF, Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno
1982-86 - odborný asistent, katedra matematiky, PřF, Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno
1986-91 - docent, katedra matematiky, PřF, Univerzita J.E.Purkyně, Brno
od 1991  - profesor, katedra aplikované matematiky, PřF, Masarykova univerzita , Brno

Odborná aktivita :
Publikace 60 vědeckých prací z oblasti topologie, teorie kategorií, algebraické teorie čísel a v poslední době z aplikací matematiky. Přednášky na 18 mezinárodních konferencích, kolem 40 přednášek na zahraničních univerzitách , zejména na univerzitách  Queen´s University Kingston (Kanada) (1986) a Science University of Tokyo (Japonsko) (1994). Jeden dvouměsíční přednáškový pobyt: Queen´s University Kingston (1986), dva jednoměsíční přednáškové pobyty: Universität in Innsbruck (1992), Science University of Tokyo (1993) a dva semestrální přednáškové pobyty: Dalhousie University, Halifax (Kanada) (1990), Science University of Tokyo (1994).Člen v redakčních radách odborných časopisů : Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) . Folia Fac. Sc. Nat. Univ. Masarykiane Brunensis, Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis  Ostraviensis. Recenzent pro Mathematical Reviews a Zentralblatt fur Mathematik.  V r.1993-95 řešitel grantového projektu GAČR  "Teorie čísel, její algebraické aspekty a její vztah k informatice", který byl úspěšně zakončen. V r. 1997-1999 spoluřešitel grantového projektu GA ČR  "Algebraické a analytické metody v teorii čísel". Člen v oborových radách PGS : Algebra - PřF MU Brno, diskrétní matematika - ped.fak.MU Brno, aplikovaná matematika - PřF OU Ostrava , teorie čísel - MFF KU Praha.  Od r.1995 člen "The York Academy of Science" a od r.1996 člen " The American Mathematical Society ". V r.1998 obdržel pamětní medaili  JČMF za zásluhy o vybudování školy algebraické teorie čísel.

Původní vědecké práce publikované nebo předložené do tisku v letech 1996-98 :
1) Skula L.,Takashi Agoh: Kummer type congruences and Stickelberger subideals,Acta Arith.85(1996),235-250.
2) Skula L.: On a special ideal contained in the Stickelberger ideal,Journal of Number Theory 8 (1996),173-195. 
3) Skula L.: Application of generalized inverses in linear models,Folia Fac.Sc.Nat.Univ.Masarykianae Brunensis,Math.5(1997),143-146.
4) Skula L.: Involutions of matrices and generalized least squuares solution,Folia Fac.Sc.Nat.Univ.Masarykianae Brunensis, Math.5(1997),147-151.
5) Skula L.: Inclusion among special Stickelberger subideals,Tatra Mountains,Math. Publ.,Number Theory 11(1997),147-158.
6) Skula L., Takashi Agoh, Karl Dilcher: Fermat quotients for composite moduli,Journal of Number Theory 66(1997),29-50.
7) Skula L.: Involutions for matrices and generalized inverses,Linear Algebra and Its Applications 271(1998),283-308.
8) Skula L., Takashi Agoh, Karl Dilcher: Wilson quotients for composite moduli,Mathematics of Computation 67(1998),843-861.
9) Skula L.: Generalized multivariate normal distribution,Proceedings of DATASTAT, 97, 1998, 141-148
10) Skula L.: Fermat and Wilson quotients for p-adic integers, Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,6(1998), 167-181.

Nejvýznamnější publikační aktivity od ukončení VŠ studií :
1) Skula L. : On a reflective subcategory of the category of all topological spaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 142 (1969), 37-41.
2) Skula L. : The orders of solutions of the Kummer system of congruences, Transactions of the American Society 343 (1994), 587-607.
3) Skula L. : Involutions for matrices and generalized inverses, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 271 (1998), 283-308.

     He graduated  from the University of  Brno 1960 (specialization Mathematics), in 1991 he  defended the DrSc. degree and 1991 he was appointed Professor.
     He has published 60 scientific  papers mostly of them in the field of topology, ordered sets and  algebraic number theory. He held lectures  at many universities abroad and many conferences (visiting position, e.g. at Science   University  of  Tokyo, Dalhousie University of Halifax).
     Since 1978 he focussed  his professional interests on application fields such as discrete Fourier transform, fast algorithms for  its computation,  pseudoinverse  matrices  and their  use in linear  regression.


[1]  Some algebraic aspects of the ring  transform, Scripta Fac.Sc.
     N.Univ.Brunensis, C.S.and Applied Math. 23(1993), 11-26.

[2]  The  orders solutions of  the Kummer system  of congruences,
     Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 343 (1994),

[3]  On a special ideal contained in the Stickelberger ideal, Journal of Number 
     Theory 58(1996), 173-195.

[4]  Inclusion among special Stickelberger subideals, Tatra Mountains, 
     Mathematical Publications, Number Theory 11(1997), 147-158.

[5]  Involutions for matrices and generalized inverses, Linear Algebra and Its  
     Applications, 271(1998), 283-308.

[6]  Fermat and Wilson Quotiens for p-Adic Integers, Acta Mathematica et 
     Informatica Univrsitatis Ostraviensis 6(19980, 167-181.


[1]  Diagonalizovatelné matice, seminář z numerické a aplikované matematiky PřF  
     UK Olomouc, 30.3.1997.

[2]  Automorfismy tělesa komplexních čísel a transcedentní čísla, seminář z       
     teorie čísel,  katedra   matematiky, PřF Ostravská univerzita, Ostrava,

[3]  Involutory Automorphism of Complex Numbers and Diagonable Matrices,  
     Mathematisches Institut der Universität in Innsbruck, 28.5.1997.

Členství ve vědeckých organizacích :

JČMF, The New York Academy of Sciences, The American Mathematical Society.

Redakční rady časopisů :

Archivum Mathematicum (Brno)
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis (Ostrava)
Folia (Brno)

Zahraniční kontakty :

úzká  spolupráce  -  Dept.of Math.,University  of science (Tokyo)
                  -  Dept.of Math.,Dalhousie  Universits, Halifax
                     (Canada) (prof.Dilcher)
                  -  Mathematisehes  Institut,   Universität  in
                     Innsbruck (Ôsterrrich) (prof.Girstmair)

Počet ohlasů na věd.práce : 120

List of Scientific Papers of Ladislav Skula
[1] (With  M.Novotný)  Über  gewisse  Topologien  auf geordneten
     Mengen, Fund.Mat.LVI (1965, 313-324.

[2]  Tine Bemerkung über Kardinalpotenzen, Archivum Mat.(Brno) T-2

[3]  Dědičná m-separabilita uspořádaného prostoru,Č pěst.mat.,
     Praha 90 (1965), 451-454.
     (Hereditary m-separability of an orderd space.)

[4]  The subsets P+ and P- of the split interval,Publ de inst.mat.,
     Nouvelle série, č.6(20), Beograd (1966, 121-123).

[5]  Systeme von  steitigen Abbildungen, Czech.Math.Journal 17(92)
     (1967), 45-52.

[6]  m-ideal topologies in ordered sets, Czech.Math.Journal 18(93)
     (1968), 400-407.

[7]  Completely irreducible m-ideals in a cardinal product,Math.Ann.
     181(1969), 237-241.

[8]  System  of layers an  ordered set, Czech.Math.Journal  19(94)
     (1969), 27-41.

[9]  Ordered set of classes ofcompactifications, Czech.Math.Journal
     19(94) (1969),42-59.

[10] On a reflective subcategory of the category of all topological
     spaces, Trans.of the Amer.Math.Soc.142 (1969), 37-41.

[11] Divisorentheorie einer Halbgrupe, Math.Zeitschrift  114 (1970),

[12] Prime  elements  in the semigroup of finite  types of partially
     ordered sets in cardinal  mutiplication, Spisy  PřF UJEP (Brno),
     T4(1968), 97-102.

[13] Eine  Bemerkung zu dem ersten  Fall der Fermatschen  Vermutung,
     Journal für die r.u.ang.Math.253 (1972),1-14.

[14] Forsetzung stetiger Homomorphismen von -Halbgruppen, Journal
     für die r.u.ang.Math.261 (1973), 71-87.

[15] Quasi-reflections and limits, Czech.Math.Journal 24(99) (1974),

[16] Maximale   -und  1-Kategorien, Journal für die r.u.ang.Math.
     274/275 (1975), 287-298.

[17] Über pseudoreguläre Primzahlen, Journl für die r.u.ang.Math.
     277 (1975), 37-39.

[18] On  a problem of  Znám,Acta fac.Rerum.Nat.Univ.Comenia,Math.
     XXXII (1975), 87-90.

[19]  On  extensions  of  partial x-operators, Czech.Math.Journal
      26(101) (1976),477-505

[20]  On c-semigroups, Acta Arith. XXXI 1976, 274-257.

[21]  Non-possibility to  prove infinity  of regular  primes from
      some theorems, Journal für die r.u.ang.Math.291 (1977),162-181.

[22]  Eine  Bemerkung   zum  Kardinalprodukt,  Czech.Math.Journal
      27(102) (1977), 515-522.

[23]  (With J.Janák) On the integers xi for which x i/x 1...x i-  
       1.x i+1...x n+1 holds, Math.Slovaca 28 (1978), 305-310.

[24]  On  certain ideals of the  group ring Z[G], Arch.Math.(Brno)
      XV (1979),53-56.

[25]  Index of irregularity of a prime, Journal für die r.u.ang.Math.
      315 (1980), 92-106.

[26]  Another proof of Iwasawa's  class number formula, Acta Arith.XXXIX
      (1981), 1-6.

[27]  (With K.Selucký) The  irregular imaginary fields, Arch.Math.
      (Brno) XVII (1981), 95-112.

[28]  On  n-semigroups, Arch.Math. (Brno) XVII, (1981), 43-52.

[29]  A remark on  Mirimanoff polynomials, Commentarii Mathematici
      Universitatis Sancti (Tokyo) 31 (1982), 89-97.

[30]  Systems of equations depending on certain ideals, Arch.Math.
      (Brno) XXI (1985), 23-38.

[31]  (With P.Horák) A characterization of the second-order strong
      divisibility  sequences,  The   Fibonacci  Quarterly  23  (1985),

[32]  A note  on the   index of  irregularity, Journal  of Number
      Theory, 22 (1986), 125-128.

[33]  On the  Kummer's system  of congruences, Comment.Math.Univ.
      Sancti Pauli (Tokyo), 25 (1986), 137-163.

[34]  Linear transforms and convolution, Math.Slovaca 37 (1987),9-30.

[35]  Special ivariant  subspaces of  a vector  space over  Z/IZ,
      Archivum Mathematicum (Brno) 25 (1989), 35-46.

[36]  Linear transforms supporting circular convolution on residue
      class ring, Math.Slovaca 39 (1989), 377-390.

[37]  Some  consequeces  of  the  Kummer  system  of congruences,
      Comment. Math.Univ.Sancti Pauli (Tokyo), 39 (1990), 19-40.

[38]  Fermat's last theorem  and the Fermat quotients, Commenterii
      Math.Univ.Sancti Pauli (Tokyo), vol.41 (1992), 35-54.

[39]  Maximal reflectivity preserving subextensions, Acta Mathematica
      et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis, vol.19 (1993), 59-66.

[40]  Some bases of the Stickelberger ideal,  Math.Slovaca 43(1993),

[41]  Some algebraic aspects of the ring  transform, Scripta Fac.Sc.
      N.Univ.Brunensis, C.S.and Applied Math. 23(1993), 11-26.

[42]  The  orders solutions of  the Kummer system  of congruences,
      Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 343 (1994),

[43]  (With  Karl Dilcher) A new  criterion for the first  case of
      Fermat's  Last Theorem, Math.Comp.64 (1995), 363-392.

[44]  Agoh's  bases  of  the  Stickelberger  ideal,  Math.Slovaca
      44(1994), 663-670.

[45]  (With Takashi Agoh) Kummer type congruences and Stickelberger subideals,  
      Acta Arithmetica LXXXV.3 (1996), 235-250.

[46]  On a special ideal contained in the Stickelberger ideal, Journal of Number 
      Theory 58(1996), 173-195.

[47]  Inclusion among special Stickelberger subideals, Tatra Mountains, 
      Mathematical Publications, Number Theory 11(1997), 147-158.

[48]  (With Takashi Agoh, Karl Dilcher) Fermat Quotients for composite moduli, 
      Journal of Number Theory, 66(1997), 29-50.

[49]  Involutions for matrices and generalized inverses, Linear Algebra and Its  
      Applications, 271(1998), 283-308.

[50]  (With Takashi Agoh and Karl Dilcher) Wilson quotients for composite 
      moduli, math. Comp.,67(1998), 843-861.

[51]  Fermat and Wilson Quotiens for p-Adic Integers, Acta Mathematica et 
      Informatica Univrsitatis Ostraviensis 6(19980, 167-181.

[52]  (With Karl Dilcher and I. Sh. Slavutskij) Bernouli Numbers Bibliography   
      (1713-1990), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1991, 175 stran.

[53]  The Kummer Systems of Congruences and Index of Irregularity, Grazer Math. 
      Bericht 318 (1993), 169-172.

[54]  Pseudoinverzní matice a jejich použití, Folia Fac.Sc.Nat.Univ.Masarykianae 
      Brunensis Math.4(1994), 63-66.

[55]  Některé historické aspekty Fermatova problému, Pokroky mat.,fyz. a 
      astr.,39 (1994), 318-330.
[56]  The Stickelberger Ideal and the Demjanenko Matrix, Algebraic Cycles and 
      Related Topics, World Scientific, Singapore etc.,(1994), 69-76.

[57]  A Note on Diagonable Matrices, Environmental Statistics and Earth Science, 
      Masaryk University, Brno, Proceedings (1996), 147-148.

[58]  Application of Generalized Inverses in Linear Models, Folia Fac.Sc.Nat. 
      Univ.Masarykianae Brunensis, Math.5(1997),143-146.

[59]  Involutions of Matrices and Generalized Least Squares Solution, Folia 
      Fac.Sc.Nat.Univ.Masarykianae Brunensis, Math.5(1997), 147-151.

[60]  Generalized multivariate normal distribution, Foia Fac.Sc.Nat.Univ. 
      Masarykianae Brunensis, Math.7(1998), 141-147.