Mathematics Calendar
ISDE Google Group
Upcomming (options)
The 8th Najman Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations (Dubrovnik, Croatia; September 7–13, 2025)
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators (Graz, Austria; September 15–19, 2025)
36th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications — IWOTA 2025 (Enschede, Netherlands; July 14–18, 2025)
Progress on Difference Equations — PODE 2025 (Cartagena, Spain; May 28–30, 2025)
Recent years (attended)
Cesty k matematice 2024 (Prague, Czech Republic, 2024)
29th International Conference on Difference
Equations and Applications (Paris, France, 2024)
Talking Maths in Public 2023 (online, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2023)
34th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its
Applications (Helsinki, Finland, 2023)
Equadiff 15 (Brno, Czech Republic, 2022)
International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 (virtual conference; 2022)
Ari Laptev's 70th birthday
conference (virtual conference; 2020)
25th International Conference on Difference
Equations and Applications (London, Great Britain, 2019)
30th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its
Applications (Lisbon, Portugal, 2019)
Veszprém Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications (Veszprém, Hungary, 2018)
2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings (San Diego, USA, 2018)
The Fifth Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices (Opatia,
Croatia, 2017)
Equadiff 2017 (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2017)
ICDEA 2016 (Osaka, Japan, 2016)
O.D. Equations Brno 2016 (Brno, Czech Republic, 2016)
International Conference on Differential & Difference
Equations and Applications (Amadora, Portugal, 2015)
PODE 2014 (Izmir, Turkey, 2014)
Third Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for
Operators and Matrices (Biograd na Moru, Croatia, 2013)
19th ICDEA (Muscat, Oman, 2013)
The Workshop on Spectral Theory and Differential Operators (Graz,
Austria, 2012)
CDDEA 2012 (Terchová, Slovak Republic, 2012)
9QTDE (Szeged, Hungary, 2011)
CDEIT (Křtiny, Czech Republic, 2010)
16th ICDEA (Riga, Latvia, 2010)
CDDEA 2010 (Rajecké Teplice, Slovak Republic, 2010)
AIMS ICDSDEA (Dresden, Germany, 2010)
(Special Session 48)
15th ICDEA (Estoril, Portugal, 2009)
EQUADIFF 12 (Brno, Czech Republic, 2009)
14th ICDEA (Istanbul, Turkey, 2008)