
Math Examples

phi(lambda) = 1*Int(exp(u*ln(u)+lambda*u),u = c-i*i... for 0 <= c (1)

lamba = (epsilon-epsilon[1])/xi-gamma-beta^2-ln(xi/... (2)

Since 2 and 6 hold for arbitrary delta c -vectors, it is clear, that Nu(A) = R(B) and that when y = B(x) one has ...

... the Pythagorians knew infinitely many solutions in integres to a^2+b^2 = c^2 . That no non-trivial integer solutions exist for a^n+b^n = c^n with integres 2 < n has long been suspected (Fermat, c.1637). Only during the current decade has this been proved (Wiles, 1995).

V*pi^(s*r) = Sum(M[i]*V[i]^2,i = 1 .. n)*Sum(Sum(R[... (6)

Ukazka animace

> with(plots):

> with(plottools):

> f:=(x,y)->(x^2-y^2)/5-5;

f := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; 1/5*x^2-1...

> n:=40:

> a:=plot3d(

> f(x,y),

> x=-5..5,y=-5..5,


> shading=ZHUE

> ):

> c:=sphere([0,0,0],2):

> s:=NULL:

> for i to n do

> s:=s,display3d(

> [a,c],

> orientation=[70+(i-1)*720/n,80]

> )

> od:

> display3d([s],axes=NONE,scaling=CONSTRAINED,

> light=[45,45,1,1,1], insequence=true);

[Maple Plot]
